Tuatahi ka whakahonore ki tō tātou Kuini Te Arikinui Kuini Nga wai hono i te po Pootatau Te Wherowhero VIII, otirā ki Te Whare o Pootatau, Paimārire. Ki ngā mate, moe mai rā ki roto i ngā ringa kaha o tō tātou tīpuna. Rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou. Tātou ngā urupā o rātou mā, e whakakotahi nei ki raro i te maru o te Kīngitanga Paimārire ki a tātou katoa.
Kia hiwa rā kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā ki a tātou katoa i mahia te mahi hei painga mō te iwi me ngā whānau, me ngā kaimahi, e whakakaha atu i ngā hononga, ki te whakarite ngā tōrite o ngā mahi Hauora mō a tātou taupori me ngā Iwi Māori ki te rohe o te Puku-ō te-Ika me nga piringa e tata atu, kī, Midlands Health Network. Kia mōhio ake mai ngā hapori, kia pupuri mai ngā rahi o ngā ratonga Hauora i raro i te kaupapa nunui, Te Whānau Ora.
Firstly, we would like to acknowledge Te Arikinui Kuini Nga wai hono i te po Pootatau Te Wherowhero VIII and the house of the royal family. Also acknowledging those that have passed on and will continue to rest in the arms our ancestors. And together we are sheltered by the Kiingitanga.
Calling attention to the work of our network in continually strengthening our relationships, networks and committed to addressing inequalities in our health services for our populations and iwi Māori in the Midland region. With that done, we will continually try to improve areas of concern, retain and consolidate what is working, and help inform our populations the services required to ensure a much healthier whānau.
The Pinnacle group is a primary care pioneer – and we’re proud of that.
Our group of not-for-profit primary care focused organisations manages the healthcare of nearly half a million people enrolled with 85+ practices in Tairāwhiti, Taranaki, Rotorua, Taupō-Tūrangi, Thames-Coromandel and Waikato.
We’re inquisitive, innovative and evolve with purpose – we’re proud to be constantly pushing the boundaries.
We know a strong health system centres around high quality primary care and community services that are continually developing and evolving to meet local need. We play our part by ensuring the right resources and capacity are in place so our patients and our network can thrive.
We are committed to becoming a bi-cultural organisation.