Cheri (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui) is of the firm belief that it is through belonging to our communities and knowing our stories that we can have a sense of ourselves, and our place in the world. To this end, she has spent her working life of 40+ years in education and leadership positions in schools, educational institutions and their communities, including union activity.
Cheri lives in Kirikiriroa and a Manutāiko consultant with Tūtira Mai NZ Ltd, and a teaching fellow supporting Tari Māori within Te Kura Toi Tangata, Wānanga o Toi at Te Whare Wānanga.
Cheri is a member and a past-president of a local Tainui branch of Te Rōpu Wāhine Māori Toko i te Ora Māori Women’s Welfare League and an advisor for up and coming teachers in the Waikato University Teachers Association.
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